
Tips to Recruit and Retain Workers in the Utility Industry

At a time when business is booming, many utility companies are wondering where they’ll find the workers they need. But it’s more than just a matter of where. It’s also a matter of how.

West Monroe, a digital services firm whose competencies include organizational change management and talent strategy, published a study in 2019 stating that 70% of all younger workers would consider a job in the utility industry. That is great news. However, some utility companies may need to revisit their recruitment and retention efforts to make sure they have a chance of resonating with today’s changing workforce. 

Outreach that Broadens the Pool

The cornerstone of effective recruiting continues to be local community outreach, namely high schools and colleges.

“It’s important to educate students, teachers and parents about the types of careers available in the utility sector,” says Christa Fairchild, Product Marketing Manager for CM Labs Simulations, a global equipment simulation provider.

As an example, one of CM Labs’ clients, the Missouri Public Utility Alliance, held a free bootcamp for high school graduates. The curriculum included safety, regulatory compliance, practical skills training, and the chance to network with potential employers. “For the practical training portion, participants engaged in hands-on and simulated exercises,” Fairchild says. “Through these types of initiatives, our clients are connecting with the next generation in truly innovative and effective ways.”

Read the full article for all the tips to recruit and retain in the utility industry on The Utility Expo’s website.

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Simulation training can help spark interest in a career as an equipment operator, as well as provide for career growth by making training easier, faster, and safer.